The Chronicles of Garnabus

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Ah geekdom... while Some of the time Girlfriend was here (a fun visit!), I got the opportunity to play with one of my new geek toys -- a barcode reader and "Readerware" that uses the net to catalog your DVD, Music, and Book collection (actually three different programs, but I got them bundled for a good price). It only took about an hour to catalog 204 DVD's including all relevant information (producers, directors, stars, release date, plot synopsis, DVD cover art, etc.). Joy! =o)

I also got the opportunity to shop at -- mind you this is a very dangerous warehouse of toys and gadgets that one should not visit unprepared -- $72 later there's an LED light bulb heading my way (for our external carport light that goes on at dusk and doesn't shut off until dawn - grumble - I figure it will pay for itself in about two or three months) along with a binary clock for my desk at work and two bottle-opening rings (one for me and one for Some of the time Girlfriend, who celebrated his birthday last week). With this amazing ring, sheik geeks can simply grab a bottle by the top and mysteriously pull the top off seemingly with their bare hands!!

And now a moment to kvetsch (I had to look up the spelling for that one ;o)

My back hurts. My back has been hurting each morning at about 5:30 or 6 since we started moving in... I thought at first that this was from the oh so comfortable air mattress that we slept on for the first half week... then I thought it was just because of all the lifting... now we're in our normal comfortable bed with no more lifting, and I'm still woken up with the sense that my lungs are physically assaulting my back... that with each breath, a tiny little war is being fought between my avioli and my vertebrates -- why? why are you attacking me? My back seems to say as it wakes me up to change position no less than fifteen times per hour if I fail to get up when it starts to hurt. I have no answer for my back.

Kvetsh over.

Wrapping it up for today, Fuego and I are heading out to Berkeley to get away from the 105 degree heat today to go see a movie with a friend who will be down in the area from Arcata (north of Eureka), where Fuego went to school. I guess we're going to see The Lakehouse... I'll let you know how it is.


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