The Chronicles of Garnabus

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Fuego and I got to go to Sadu Crobinhobin's to play with Granite and Timm last night and stay over -- so fun! Granite and Ginger were inseparable within ten minutes of our getting there and played ALL NIGHT LONG -- it was pretty amazing really. Timm got to play the part of the curmudgeony old greybeard who interjected frequently with loud barks and some well placed nips on the neck and elbows (cute!). It's so fun to see him frolicking with the puppies.

We got to drink beer and wine, hung out with Hetero S -- who brought amazing snacks (!!) -- and stayed up way too late. Then this morning the pups started in again around eight, so Fuego and I joined Crobinhobin and the pups for a romp and then went for a nice long walk to get coffee and bagels.

Later this afternoon we went to play sloshball (kickball where you have to stop at 2nd base to drink a pint of beer)... always a good time!

Now we're back home. Glad to see Fredo and spend a little quiet time before church in the morning.

I should have mentioned that I got my hair cut before we went down Friday afternoon... it has been about eighteen months, so it was time for another donation to locks of love (A company that accepts donations of human hair in order to provide wigs to children with hair loss from alopecia, chemotherapy, etc.).

Usually they only cut about eleven to twelve inches off, which would have been fine, but this time they cut off a ten to eleven inch braid, which comes out to about fourteen inches (a bit short for my expectations). So stoked to be able to do it, but looking forward to having it grow back out to a more comfortable length ;o)


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