The Chronicles of Garnabus

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Big day! Some-of-the-time-girlfriend visited last night, so we got to go out to pizza and spend money on good beer (one of my favorite things to spend money on =o)... I finished our budget, so we know how much we can actually spend on stuff without running out of money before the next payday (very handy!)... turns out we spend about 100.00 per month on coffee (addiction much?). Some-of-the-time-girlfriend and I stayed up until about 3:30 drinking beer and laughing at silly stuff on the internet (you really ought to check this out! The "Grow" games are pretty much what kept us up well past our bedtime, but they're addictive and really fun! The cube one and the RPG one are my favorites, but all of them are great!

Today we got up surprisingly early considering the late hour of retiring last night, had breakfast, and then played on the computer. Some-of-the-time-girlfriend inspired me to update my MySpace account, which is now pretty awesome I must say =o), then Fuego and I went to a wedding (we love weddings!).

We got home and I finished fixing the code in my new MySpace -- surprisingly difficult considering that you're trying to write a .css for elements that you didn't define in the first place -- I finally found two GREAT resources (if you're a MySpac'er, you might find these handy). The first is great for discovering all the names of the attributes you can control in your .css, and the other has the few attributes that the first one lacks... was the most useful, then filled in the cracks. Nice!

Okay, off to bed, I have to be at church early!!


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