The Chronicles of Garnabus

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Guest Room Do-si-do

So Emjay is teething. Gone are the days of sleep filled nights and complacent meatloaf child who magically naps and just hangs out content to do whatever we're doing. We now ensure that the guest room is available for Emjay's parents, who in the middle of the night, tired from days without a decent night's sleep already, find themselves unable to sleep through the myriad screeches, whines, whinnies (yes, I'm pretty sure I've heard them), and random shouts that come from our sleeping sound-machine. Not to mention the bouts of keeping me up for an hour or so around 4am and repeatedly waking Fuego up to replace her pacifier (or whatever other various and sundry things might quiet her).

Of course we recognize that most parents have experienced sleepless nights from day one and that we are incredibly lucky. But while in the midst of picking up my pillow, attempting to silently relocate the pets, and deciding who get's the prized 'inside' position in the guest room bed (the spot by the wall, which ensures less frequent quieting responsibilities when Emjay starts hollering), the fact that this is only a month and a half old doesn't really comfort me.

Thankfully Emjay's pediatrician predicted that within two weeks her teeth will surface! Okay, so that was about four and a half weeks ago, but since we can feel them just under the surface of her gums, we're pretty sure they really will come soon.

It's good to have a full mouth of teeth, but getting there apparently su-u-u-ucks!


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