The Chronicles of Garnabus

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

A Father's Confession

I put my daughter to bed for the first time tonight.

While Emjay has been with us for nearly a year now, and while I have put her to bed countless times over this past year, tonight was different. I didn't know it would be different -- after all she's been our "daughter" all along, right? But apparently something beyond expectation (and beyond explanation) happened today when the courts legally pronounced Fuego and I Emjay's parents and made us a "forever" family.

Tonight, at home, our house seemed more permanent. There was a peace in the air that, I think, all of us could feel. Emjay can never again be claimed by someone else and taken away from us -- we are her parents and she is our daughter. For better or worse, we are a real, permanent family -- forever.

So although Fuego and I have said all along that Emjay is our daughter, the horrible unspoken reality that she was a ward of the court, placed into our care "temporarily," has been a truth that has kept me guarded for almost a year. Every time I have comforted her, fed her, changed her, spent time with her, and risked loving her in the hope that someday she would truly be my daughter, a part of me held back. I don't think I really knew or understood that until tonight.

Tonight, with a simple piece of paper in our possession that says unequivocally that I am Emjay's father and Fuego is her mother, I truly felt it in my heart for the first time that Emjay is my real and true daughter.

Thus, through new eyes, I put my daughter to bed for the first time tonight. No longer guarded, no longer holding anything back. A real father putting his real daughter to bed -- just like every other real family gets to do.

Ya... I could get used to this =o)


At 8:24 AM, Blogger Laney said...

Damn, Austin! Between you and Jane you have me crying every morning reading your blogs! I am SO SO happy for your family. You are blessed, so blessed.



At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!!!!! I just left a post on Jane's blog, and at the risk of making Laney cry with my comment I will leave you with the same sentiment as I did with Jane. You are going to make an awesome father!!!! It's going to be an amazingly wonderful lifelong journey that sometimes will make your heart break, but will also make you all the more elated at the same time. There's nothing better than when your child says "I love you" and gives you kisses and hugs. I still love it and Brandon is 8 now. Trust your instincts that you know what's right. I only hope that I find a man as wonderful and amazing as you are to be a father figure to Brandon.
Love you,

At 9:14 PM, Blogger Kirstin said...


She'll never know how lucky she is. But you do.

At 10:30 PM, Blogger Katie said...

Thanks for this, Austin., You are an awesome Daddy to that girl.

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Ann Marie said...

Sweet... it is wonderful to forever have a little piece of your heart go walking (or crawling) around outside of your body...

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Max Rainey said...

Mazel tov, my friend.
outrageous, profligate love to all three of you.
yours, always, in the struggle,
ps that is the most adorable picture EVER.


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