The Chronicles of Garnabus

Monday, July 16, 2007

Grasshopper's Jesus Year

Yesterday Fuego and I went down to visit Grasshopper, Red Hot, Ladybug, and Mini-me to celebrate Grasshopper's 33rd Birthday! Muddy and Designgirl were there, as was Red Hot's step-dad. We sat in the garage and drank great homebrew, sat outside and drank good single-malt while we ate, drank other stuff while playing one-handed catch with four foot balls, and then got downt to the serious matter of acting the sum total of our individual ages (roughly between six and seven).

What began as an innocent game of catch soon became a four way game of 'chuck-balls-and-whatever-else-we-can-find-at-each-other.' It was a good rousing game as Red Hot and I (and sometimes Ladybug) faced off against Muddy and Grasshopper (and Design girl for a while too). We progressed from small foot balls to larger ones, to soccer balls, large inflated rubber balls, and eventually peaches from Grasshopper and Red Hot's peach tree. All in all it was a pretty great game -- no children were injured and adults were only slightly sticky.

Sadly it's all fun and games until someone loses a testicle... or at least until someone bends it like Beckham around the side of the house, lands it (it being a large bouncy ball -- not a testicle) in the middle of the lunch table, and obliterates a fairly expensive wine glass, propelling red wine incredible distances that reach inside the open glass door to the house, onto and under the kitchen table, and hitting at least one chair.

(Okay, ya, it was me.)

Game over man.

Anyway, it was a pretty awesome day and we had a great time celebrating Grasshopper's 33rd!


At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man, the party's just getting started when you break stuff!

Thanks for coming bro!



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